Budget 2011-12 - What is in it for tax payers??

Well like every year , this year too 28th Feb 11 was one of the most awaited days of the year. Everybody was waiting to see what our beloved FM dishes out to common taxpayers via his budget for FY11-12. The budget overall hasn't done much to enthuse common man. There are no major tax breaks for majority of the junta . But, he has done few things which we need to take note of :- 1. Increased tax exemption limit for male to Rs 1.8 Lakhs : The tax exemption limit has been increased by Rs 20000 from 1.6 Lacs last year to 1.8 Lacs this year. This is only for males as the tax exemption limit for female taxpayers is already at 1.9 lacs. The additional relief will save 2000 rupees for everyone who falls in ta bracket. Small relief, but, relief nonetheless. 2. No need to file ITR for salaried people: Pranab Da has also mandated that those salaried people whose annual income is less than Rs 5 lacs/annum need not file ITR separately. The same will be done by their company. They can decalrae...